

Governance Responsibilities

The corporation's main responsibilities are as follows:

The Board of the Corporation consists of 20 members. Membership is made up of 16 voluntary independent members who have the necessary skills to ensure that the Board of the Corporation carries out its legal responsibilities and statutory duties as detailed above. The Principal and Chief Executive, Student Governors elected by the students at the College Group and 1 Staff Governor elected by the staff of The College Group. The Board is constantly refreshing its membership and would welcome applications from interested people who can give time to support the Group’s ongoing development. 
The Board organises its responsibilities through a committee structure and is supported in its activities by an experienced Corporation and Deputy Corporation Secretary. Minutes of all non-confidential Board Committee and Working Group meetings are published in line with statutory requirements and on the College Group website, following members’ approval. The Board works to its Statutory Instrument & Articles of Governance with members acting in the capacity of trustees with the Group holding exempt charitable status. The Board has adopted the Association of Colleges Code of Good Governance for English Colleges and operates its business in line with its standing orders. 

The determination, periodic review and development of the educational character and mission of the Institution and the oversight of its activities

Publishing arrangements for obtaining the views of staff and students on the review of the education character and mission of the Institution and the oversight of its activities

The effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the Institution and the Corporation and safeguarding their assets

Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure

The appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the clerk

The determination, periodic review and development of the educational character and mission of the Institution and the oversight of its activities

Governance arrangements

The Board of the Corporation consists of 23 members. Membership is made up of 19 voluntary independent members who have the necessary skills to ensure that the Board of the Corporation carries out its legal responsibilities and statutory duties as detailed above. The Principal and Chief Executive, Student Governors elected by the students of The College Group and 1 Staff Governor elected by the staff of The College Group. The Board is constantly refreshing its membership and would welcome applications from interested people who can give time to support the college’s ongoing development.

The Board organises its responsibilities through a committee structure and is supported in its activities by an experienced Corporation and Deputy Corporation Secretary. Minutes of all non-confidential Board Committee and Working Group meetings are published in line with statutory requirements and on The College Group website, following members’ approval. The Board works to its Statutory Instrument & Articles of Governance with members acting in the capacity of trustees with the college holding exempt charitable status. The Board has adopted the Association of Colleges Code of Good Governance for English Colleges and operates its business in line with its standing orders.

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