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The Equality Act 2010 (Special Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 applies to a list of ‘specified public authorities’ including colleges. This included a duty for colleges with more than 250 employees to publish data on gender and pay. Below is the gender pay gap report for Trafford College and The Trafford & Stockport College Group.
Continuing to ensure that support for women returning to work following periods of maternity leave e.g. job share, and other flexible options
Encouraging men to take advantage of flexible working arrangements in relation to caring responsibilities and paternity
By further reviewing our family friendly policies we can enable our staff to balance their career with life outside work, providing the culture and support needed.
Enhance the College’s employer brand by promoting male dominated roles e.g. IT, technical and professional roles, with a view to attracting more female candidates
Following our merger we provide a wider range of career progression and working patterns across the combined Trafford College Group
Providing mentoring opportunities for women returning from maternity leave
The vast majority of organisations have a gender pay gap and we are pleased to be able to say that The Trafford College Groups’ compares favourably with that of other organisations within our sector and our economy as a whole.
The median gender pay gap for the whole economy (according to the October 2018 ONS ASHE figures) is 17.9% and for the FE sector 15.7%. At 11.6%, The Trafford College Groups’ median gender pay gap is, therefore, significantly lower than that of the sector and the whole economy.
While The Trafford College Group’s gender pay gap compares favourably with that of organisations across the sector as well as the whole UK economy, this is not a subject about which The Trafford College Group is complacent, and is committed to doing everything it can to reduce the gap.
The Trafford College Group is committed to reducing the gender pay gap through: